Senin, 07 Oktober 2013

Tribute to Fellows

Jam 22.55 p.m.
Sebelum menuju ke peraduan yang hangat dan penuh mimpi, kusempatkan menulis satu puisi. Sebuah dedikasi dan penghormatanku pada kawan-kawanku, dimanapun mereka berada:

The Image Source is here
Tribute to Fellows (dari tumblr saya)

There's somebody out there 
Runs after the same victory
At mine, he always stare
For me, he claps happily
Neither cousins nor relatives
Could be a decent companion
yet he, old friends, new butties
thousand regards up to a million
From my grateful heart
That does always be the guard
in making life as if not hard
by realizing the fellowship and thank to God

Wooke, selamat malam, dunia... selamat malam musafir dan elang!

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