Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013

The Parable of The Knight

Sedang penuh inspirasi dan rahmat; aku bikin satu puisi malam ini. Suatu perumpamaan tentang kehidupan seseorang yang tiap hari kulihat, yang digambarkan sebagai ksatria. Ini dia:

The knight is back,
Bringing triumph from the war
and bravery and courage in a sack
to be shown to people
in the village,
to prove that he does not crumble

The knight's also called hero
for he could fight his own sorrow
and the others', and the fellows'
He's the brave one
among the challengers
among his enemies
Glory, glory, the hero!

Then, he does still ride
Grasping his dreams and pride
his family's, and comrades'

Once he was forlorn
cuz he has no wife, even a minion, no
He strives alone,
When he got wounded,
nobody but his mother nursed
"That's a great grace from God," he says
He sighs,
"I do need someone else like mother!"
"I will it, and I'll strike a blow for it," he says further
"For love," the knight hails and go farther...

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